Published: 01/07/2024

Truck Insurance Guide

Truck Insurance Guide
The insider’s guide to saving on HGV and truck insurance

The last few years haven’t been easy for truck and HGV owners.  Truck insurance quotes have risen thanks to disrupted supply chains and spiralling claim costs.  The 50,000 unfilled driver vacancies and inflation have made staying competitive harder, and Brexit has made European runs more difficult.  It’s vital then that HGV and truck operators look for things like cheaper truck insurance quotes to stay ahead of the competition.

In this guide to truck insurance from Coversure Hull, we’ll give you the insider’s tips on how to get cheap truck and HGV insurance.   We’ll also give some advice on other covers that can help protect you and your business, tell you which vehicles can be covered by HGV and truck insurance and what you need to get a truck insurance quote.

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Published: 01/07/2024

Plant Insurance Guide | Hired-In Plant | Coversure Hull

Plant and Hired-In Plant Insurance Guide

Demand for plant insurance has never been greater.  Whether it’s people wanting hired-in plant insurance for specific jobs or businesses needing owned plant insurance, the market’s booming.  The risks associated with construction plant are also rising.  Plant thefts are at record levels and risks from flooding and damage are high.  This makes getting the right plant insurance cover even more important.  Getting the right plant insurance and hired-in plant insurance can be a complicated business though and questions abound: 

  • Do I need owned or hired-in plant insurance? 
  • Is it better to get regular temporary policies or go for annual cover? 
  • What types of vehicles be covered by plant or special types insurance? 
  • What’s the difference between plant and hired-in plant insurance? 
  • How much does hired-in plant insurance cost? 
  • How can I get cheaper plant insurance or contractors’ plant insurance?

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Published: 05/02/2019

Are Electric Vehicles The Only Way Forward For Fleets?

Are Electric Vehicles The Only Way Forward For Fleets?

The calls for fleet owners to switch to cleaner vehicles has become almost constant in the past 12 months.  With pressure mounting on both local and central government to clean up their air act and car buyers continuing to desert diesels in droves, drivers are increasingly looking for cleaner, greener fleets.  Up to now most attention has been focused on electric fleets, but are there alternatives to this accepted fuel solution? 

 In this latest blog from getaquoteinsurance – the UK’s leading provider of affordable fleet insurance cover – we’ll take a look at some other potential fuels of the future.

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Published: 07/12/2018

Vehicle Fleets: How To Reduce Running Costs In 2019

Vehicle Fleets: How To Reduce Your Running Costs

2018 hasn’t been the easiest year to be a fleet manager. Fleet insurance quotes have risen owing to the changes in the Ogden Rate and rises in Insurance Premium Tax, the use of diesel vehicles have become more and more problematic with many hailing the death of diesel cars and fuel prices are back on the rise thanks to the fall in Sterling following last year’s Brexit vote. Yes, things are tough out there and with many predicting hikes in fuel duty come the Budget and with the electric fleets still just a nice idea for many, things look set to remain difficult.

Saving money on all aspects of running your fleet – be it saving on fleet insurance cover or saving on fuel costs – has never been more important. And to help you do just that, here’s our 2019 guide to reducing your fleet costs and keeping your vehicles where they belong: on the road.

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Published: 07/11/2018

Electric Trucks - Coming Soon...?

We’ve heard plenty about electric fleet cars of late, but the idea of electric trucks hasn’t been anything like as well discussed. This is strange given that one of the main drivers behind switching to electric vehicles has been to clean up our air and large trucks – ones around 4 tonnes and above – can emit up to 150 times the pollution of a standard car.

Momentum is gathering behind electric trucks though. Electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla is unveiling its electric truck on the 26th October, closer to home companies such as Royal Mail and Ocado have begun trailing electric delivery vehicles. But what are the advantages to electric lorries? And what are the practical issues that need to be overcome to make them viable alternatives to traditional engines? Well, in this latest blog from Getaquoteinsurance, the truck insurance specialists, we’ll look at this in more detail and assess the viability of electric trucks.

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