Showing all posts tagged: insurance

Published: 23/09/2017

Fleet Insurance For Lorries And HGVs - All You Need To Know

Truck and Lorry Fleet Insurance - All You Need To Know…

While it would be fair to say that there’s a good deal of misunderstanding when it comes to car fleet insurance – many are surprised that fleet cover can be taken out on just 2 vehicles – it's as nothing when compared to lorry fleet insurance or truck fleet insurance

As a small or medium sized business owner whether they have considered taking out truck or lorry fleet insurance and they invariably reply that it’s not for them as they don’t have a huge number of lorries and other heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in need of cover.  But as with car fleet insurance, truck and lorry fleet insurance can be for them as it’s a far more flexible type of cover than you might think…

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Published: 22/01/2016

What is Flood Re?

In 2011, the industry formally recommended Flood Re as a long-term flood insurance solution in the UK and after lengthy negotiations an outline agreement between the Government and the insurance industry was reached in June 2013. Since then the industry and Government have been working through the finer detail, and the Water Bill, legislating the powers to set up Flood Re has been working through Parliament. Royal Assent for the Water Bill was gained in May 2014. The Secondary Legislation which comprises of the regulations and the Scheme document, were laid before parliament in April 2015. This paves the way for the Secretary of State to designate Flood Re as the scheme administrator of the Flood Re scheme which we expect to happen after the election.

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Published: 09/10/2015

20 Huge Car Insurance Mistakes To Avoid

Every year, thousands of people make simple car insurance mistakes that can have massive consequences. Whether completely accidental or purposely deceitful, these mistakes can mean that you pay more for your insurance.

In some cases, you may be breaking the law, which can lead to driving offences, driving bans, fines and in even court cases and prison sentences. And yet incredibly, a 2008 survey by Sainsbury's suggested that over 1.1 million people have knowingly provided an insurance company with wrong information.

There are many mistakes that can lead to paying unnecessary high premiums or breaking the law. Here are some of the top car insurance mistakes that people make...



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